The Biggest (And Easiest) Way to Improve Your Art

There are many ways you can improve your artwork. I think all of these can be divided into two primary categories – the “physical” and the “mental”. The “physical” would be the obvious things like learning to paint people better, or improving perspective in your cityscapes. The “mental” aspects of improvement are often harder to pinpoint, and thus more challenging to work on. But these improvements can be some of the quickest ways to improve your art.

One of these I’d like to bring to your attention is . . . “Mindset”.

Here is one definition of mindset – “a mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations”. That’s quite a mouthful. It could also be defined as “an inclination, or a habit”. Or in one word – your beliefs. Let’s unpack this a bit.

In a nutshell, the first definition says that the mindset you have when you are painting (or thinking about beginning one) determines how or where that art will go. The way you are thinking about yourself and your art actually helps or hinders your progress. I really believe that!

For one thing, your Confidence in yourself and your abilities will determine how well you accomplish what you set out to do with that piece of art (click on “confidence” to open an article I wrote about that).

Another valuable part of your mindset is your willingness to Grow in your art. This means being available to take chances and experiment with new things. Sometimes things won’t work out like you wanted or planned when you try something new, but this flexible segment of your mindset will allow you to grow. This always brings improvement, but you have to stick with it until it does.

Here’s something else you may have not thought about – you have to be Tough in your mindset. What does that mean? You have to be willing to do your own art and not care what other people think or say – paint for yourself and your artistic vision! How many times have you let someone’s comments (or their not even noticing your work) sway your confidence in your vision for your work? You will never please everyone, and until you get tough you won’t even please yourself.

At the same time, your mindset should be one of Sharing. Serve others with your art . . . this is done by being open with it, sharing your ideas with others and working with other artists. Have you ever noticed that the best artists are the ones who are very open and sharing with their ideas and knowledge? That’s because it comes back to you . . . we all gain as artists as we open up and share with each other.

Be aware also that there are two different basic mindsets. Some people have a “fixed” mindset – they think that all their traits are fixed, beyond their control to change or improve. Others work with a “growth” mindset. They see their personal qualities, like intelligence, talents, and personalities as things that can be improved and developed.

Obviously as artists we belong in the second group – the one with a “growth” mindset. There is no mountain too tall to conquer if you have the right mindset – use this first mental skill to improve your attitude and your art!